Kindergarten 1
Welcome to the Kindergarten 1 page
Below you can find out a little more about school life and what we get up to in K1.
Ms. Nikki Barias
Kindergarten 1 Teacher
Curriculum Overview
Physical Well-being, Health and Motor Development
Children are expected to demonstrate increasing awareness and competence in the areas that follow.
- Balance Activities (stand on one leg, balance on balance board, follow a wriggly line, walking on different surface)
- Jumping and Hopping (over progressively higher stick/bar/obstacle and higher height)
- Ball Skills/Eye Hand Coordination (throw overarm, underarm, chest passes, dribbling a ball around the obstacle, hitting a ball with hand or bat).
- Galloping and skipping
- Dancing and actions to music
Social and Emotional Development
Children are expected to demonstrate increasing awareness and competence in the areas that follow.
- Conceptualize and image of one’s body (name the body parts)
- Care for personal needs by dressing self independently (fastening clothing, using buttons and zippers).
- Identify and label emotions (happy, sad, angry, afraid, frustrated, and confused).
- Identify and follow classroom rules
- Develop independent work habits (Carry out multi-step oral directions)
- Using appropriate social skills (Identify and follow classroom rules, solving problems or conflicts).
Approaches to Learning
Children are expected to demonstrate increasing awareness and competence in the areas that follow.
- Engagement (play as a means of exploring and learning, pretend and imaginative play, self-selects play activity)
- Creativity and Imagination (approaches tasks, activities and problems with creativity, imagination and/or willingness to try new experiences and activities)
- Curiosity and Initiative (Exhibits curiosity, interest, and willingness in learning new things and having new experiences)
- Persistence (focus on task, modifies strategies used to complete a task)
Cognitive and General Knowledge
Children are expected to demonstrate increasing awareness and competence in the areas that follow.
- Mathematics (recognize numbers 0 to 9, measure length, weigh, height and weight of objects, sort objects according to size, shape and color, ordinal placement )
- History and Geography (Orientation in Time, Simple maps and basic geographic concepts)
- Science ( Human Needs and Development; Plant and characteristics; Physical Elements (air, water, light); Seasons and Weather; Taking Care of the Earth)
- Understand the roles, relationships, and structures of different family groups
- Awareness of different cultures, traditions, and customs
- Identify common jobs and what is needed to perform them
Language, Communication and Literacy
Children are expected to demonstrate increasing awareness and competence in the areas that follow.
- Oral Language ( Functions of Language, Forms of Language)
- Nursery Rhymes, Poems, Finger plays and Songs (Memorization Skills, Listening, Developing a Sense of Rhyme)
- Storybook Reading and Storytelling (Listening to stories, Participating in Stories, Book and Print Awareness)
- Emerging Literacy Skills in Reading and Writing (Print Awareness, Print Structure, Phonemic Awareness, Fine Motor Skills)