Dear Parents,
February 14th marked our hundredth day of school. This means we are already more than half way through the school year and only three weeks away from the end of our second trimester.
The main events for this month were our KP Festival, our 100 Days Celebration and our Mathematics & Science Week. Mathematics & Science Week will be included in our March update, as this week long event also carries on into next month.
On February 19th we held a practice fire drill at the school. We will be carrying out another one next month where we will be inspected by the Bureau of Fire Protection. The scenario was a fire breaking out in the grade 5 classroom, causing smoke damage to the gym area and seriously limiting our exit routes. The students took the drill very seriously and together with their teachers did an outstanding job. Of course we hope we will never have to try this for real, but it is also reassuring that we have a good system in place should we ever have to.
It is hard to believe that it is now over 10 months since work began on improving the island’s infrastructure. Thankfully the work on the road leading up to the school is now nearing completion. We have been informed that within the next 2 weeks the sidewalk directly outside the school will be fully completed and then we can work on reducing the slope as you enter the private road to the school.
This will make access much easier for our school bus and other private vehicles. For those of you who make your own way to school each morning thank you for your patience regarding this.
Nicholas Lea
BEIS Head Teacher