School Property Policy

School textbooks must be taken care of and treated with respect. Depending on the subject students will be assigned a textbook each and will use that particular book for the entire year. If a book appears damaged, the corresponding charges will follow.

Damages % of Cost of Book

  • Torn pages 25%
  • Ink, pencil marks or water damage 100 pesos per page (unless the cost exceeds that
  • of the book)
  • Loose bindings (due to misuse) 100%
  • Missing pages 100%
  • Obscenities (drawn or written) 100%
  • Damages that prevent re-issuing book 100%
  • If a student pays for a book in full (100%), he/she is entitled to keep that book.\


Surveillance Policy

The school’s surveillance starts 30 minutes before registration and ends 15 minutes after the last class of the day. If students are not taking the school bus, it is the parents’ responsibility to organise pick up on time. It is not acceptable that students stay at school without organised supervision.

Harassment and Bullying Policy

At BEIS, we aim to provide a safe and friendly environment where each individual is treated with respect in order to preserve one’s overall sense of well-being. Bullying or any other form of harassment is not tolerated under any circumstances.

Removal of a Student from Class Policy

Reasons for Student Removal

  • When the school-wide discipline management techniques employed by the teacher in the classroom are ineffective, a teacher may remove a pupil from class in order to maintain effective classroom discipline.

Procedures for Removal
A teacher may send a student to the Head teacher’s office to maintain effective discipline in the classroom.
A teacher may remove from class a student:

  • Who has been documented by the teacher to repeatedly interfere with the teacher’s ability to communicate effectively with the students in the class or with the ability of the student’s classmates to learn; or
  • Whose behaviour the teacher determines is so unruly, disruptive, or abusive that it seriously interferes with the teacher’s ability to communicate effectively with the students in the class or with the ability of the student’s classmates to learn.


If the teacher removes a student from class, the head teacher shall respond by employing appropriate discipline management techniques consistent with the school’s discipline policy; he may place the student into another appropriate classroom or into in-school
The terms of the removal may prohibit the student from attending or participating in school-sponsored or school-related activities.

Sign Out Policy

No student leaves the campus unattended. To leave without a guardian requires written parental permission. Students should bring written notes and not rely upon phone calls home to have office staff obtain verbal permission.

Discipline Policy

“No one has the right to Interfere with the Safety, Learning or Well-being of others”


Observe the following school rules at all times:

  • Follow all directions the first time they are given
  • Be safe, keeping hands, feet and objects to yourself
  • Be prompt by lining up outside the door on time when the bell rings for homeroom, after break and after lunch
  • Be prepared by having all materials and homework with you when class begins
  • Be respectful of teachers, assistants and each other in class and on campus; this includes being in class ready to work in a professional manner befitting a quality student

Students who break the rules or otherwise infringe upon learning time will be disciplined under the BEIS Conduct policy. This may lead to a detention or if a serious pattern of misbehaviour is discovered, parent conferences may be held.

  • For minor infractions such as talking in class the teachers will give the student a warning.
  • If the infraction continues then the teacher will sign their conduct card (3 strike system).
  • Failure to hand in homework without a valid excuse or notification from parents will result in a signature on their conduct card.
  • Misbehaviour during break. The surveillance teacher will sign their conduct card or notify the homeroom teacher to sign (3 strike system).
  • Each classroom has a set of rules that each student should abide by at all times.


Major offences (cutting school, fighting, stealing…) are generally not part of this process and would be assigned directly to the school Head for appropriate action.  

As student conduct cards are affixed to each student’s homework diary, parents have access to these on a daily basis and are able to monitor their child’s behaviour.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy

This year, we will implement a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy for students in grades 3-8. Students will use electronic texts and other media in the classroom. Though not “school property,” we expect students to treat equipment with the same care. It will be required of each student to protect their personal property and treat other students’ property with care.

Behavioural Expectations Policy

BEIS takes a holistic view on student performances. Thus, we foster, expect and evaluate performances and attitudes. We want our students to be:

  • Responsible citizens, tolerant and open-minded individuals
  • Critical thinkers and life-long learners
  • Organised workers and effective communicators
  • Technological and media-literate individuals

We want our students to have:

  • Prepared and disciplined work habits
  • Good speaking, writing, reading, and listening habits
  • Respect for diversity
  • Independent and co-operative learning skills
  • The willingness to accept challenges
  • Skills in Information-seeking and problem solving
  • Healthy lifestyle choices

We believe in fostering: Respect, Responsibility, Safety, Accountability, Honesty, and Integrity. 

Drugs & Alcohol Abuse Policy

BEIS supports the concept of responsibility and the immediate notification in case of an abuse. This concept has a success rate of 100% in small schools, higher than any other procedure. In special situations the school is authorised to claim drug tests. The possession of illegal drugs, legal drugs without medical requirement, alcohol and others is not permitted.

Academic Year

It is important for parents to be aware that as BEIS follows the European And North American school calendar and therefore has different class cut of ages to those of Philippine private schools. If students should leave before they complete a full year at BEIS and then enroll in a Philippine Private school this may affect the grade they are placed in. In some rare cases this may even result in a student having to repeat the year.

Fast Food Delivery Policy

The purchase of fast food delivery is generally not acceptable. Exceptions to this rule  are only on special occasions such as birthdays. Prior to ordering, approval must first be  given by the class teacher.

Notification of Absences Policy

As we consider child safety and well-being as paramount, we ask that parents notify the school office as soon as possible on a child’s first day of absence (they will inform the child’s class teacher). A telephone call is preferred but an SMS or an email is acceptable.

If we have not heard from home by the start of the first break at 10:10am, the child’s homeroom teacher will contact parents.

Parents may also inform their child’s homeroom teacher directly if they wish. However, please note: The office should always be notified first. Teachers will be unable to answer telephone calls or check texts while teaching. In addition to this, absences may have an effect on pick up and drop off times for the school bus.

Failure to inform the school of an absence will result in the student receiving an unexcused absence.

Types of absences are:

Excused – An absence due to illness, doctor’s appointment, or serious illness/death of a family member. Upper Primary and Middle School students must go to their teachers and request make-up work immediately upon their return. The first 2 days absences due to illness will only require the school being notified. However, any absence of 3 days or more will require a doctor’s note upon the return of the excused student. 

A child is too sick for school when their illness is preventing him/her from being comfortable, and impairing their ability to participate and benefit from the WHOLE program, both inside and outside the classroom. Or when the child has the following symptoms:

  • Fever- Temperature greater than 37.8 degrees Celsius. Your child’s temperature should be normal for 24 hours before sending a child to school.
  • Diarrhea- Children should not go to school until bowel movements have normalised in consistency. Children need to be symptom- free for 24 hours before returning to school.
  • Vomiting- If your child vomits during the night, do not send him/her to the school the next day unless the child is feeling 100% better.
  • Cold- Please keep your child at home when a cold begins (symptoms: runny nose, cough) because that is the time that your child is most likely to be contagious.
  • Head Lice- Use lice-killing shampoo and remove all nits before returning your child to school. Be sure to repeat the treatment as prescribed by the manufacturer in order to kill any developing eggs that were unaffected by the first treatment. If any nits are observed clinging to your child’s hair shafts, your child will be sent home and will not be allowed to mingle with other children in order to avoid contamination.
  • Chicken Pox- Your child must remain at home until lesions have dried up and crusted over.

Excused absences also cover a parent / guardian taking the student out of school with the Head teacher’s prior knowledge and approval. An absence request form will first need to be submitted. This can be collected from the school office and should be submitted for approval at least 7 days before the requested absence. 

Parents are also reminded that family vacations should be taken during the breaks as indicated on the school calendar. In recent years the school has extended its summer and winter holidays in order to ensure ample time for overseas travel. For approved absences of more than 1 or 2 days, students will be required to complete assignments for classes missed. The assignments will be due on the day the student returns to school.


Unexcused– An absence in which the student is out of school that does not qualify as excused. When a parent does not call to report an absence, the school will attempt to reach the parents at home or work. The Head teacher can determine or change an absence from unexcused to excused depending on the outcome of this exchange. 

Lateness- Poor punctuality is not acceptable. If a child misses the start of every day, he/she can miss work and the opportunity of hearing vital information and news, and sharing class time with friends. Late arriving students also disrupt lessons. Students may also be embarrassed by arriving late.

The school day begins at 8:10am with registration. Each student is expected to be ready and lined up for registration at this time. At 8:15 registration closes and classes begin. Students will receive a late mark if they arrive after this window. If a child arrives excessively late and the school has not been informed in advance, they will be marked as an unexcused absence for that day. The school deems excessively late as any time after the first main break which finishes at 10:30am.

Students are required to make up all work missed during an absence. It is the responsibility of the student to contact the teacher and request missing work; it is not the responsibility of the teacher to ensure that missing work is made up. Parents should monitor missing assignments frequently in the event of an extended absence.

Excessive Absences and Potential consequences:

  • Students who miss a significant number of school days may earn a grade of ‘Incomplete’ on their report. 
  • In some cases students who miss a significant number of school days may need to be retained in their current grade level.
  • Extenuating circumstances may include hospitalisation, long-term illness, death of an immediate family member, etc. Points 1 and 2 will be determined at the discretion of the Head teacher.

Important: Please be advised that healthy attendance is a prerequisite for many international schools. A high number of unexcused absences may have an effect on student’s future ability to transfer between schools.

Emergency Policy

The school will release any emergency and other safety related information via mobile phone. In addition, an email will be sent, explaining the different warning levels and the necessary measures to be taken.

The school follows Department of Education and LGU guidelines and procedures with regard to typhoons. Occasionally local conditions may indicate the need for class cancellation due to other safety related issues. If school dismisses early, students will  not depart until the appropriate announcement is made and pick up arrangements have been made.

No Smoking Policy

Smoking is not permitted in school or within the vicinity of the school. Please respect the school campus, as well as set an example to the students.

Attendance Policy

Attendance is one of the biggest indicators of school success. Students who attend school regularly are naturally exposed to more than those who are routinely absent. Furthermore, absences can quickly add up. A student who misses an average of twelve days a year from kindergarten through twelfth grade will miss 156 days of school which nearly translate to an entire year. Adopting and maintaining a strict school attendance policy is a necessity for every school.

Students are expected to report to all classes (that includes electives) on time, every school day. Attendance is recorded at registration every morning and students will be marked for absences and for arriving late. If a student arrives late for class, he/she must  first report to the secretariat and fill out a late slip. If a student is late due to the fault of the school bus, he/she will not be marked as late for that day.

Avoidance of Theft Policy

The loss of equipment is always the student’s and family’s own responsibility. The school is not liable for the loss of personal property. Thefts are rare. However, there is no guarantee of safety. To avoid this there are some simple rules.

If money is collected by the school, the parents should ensure that it goes directly to the school secretary or the class teachers. Valuable personal items should not be brought to the school. If necessary, deposit them in the school office before classes start.

Always report a loss of property immediately; parents are to notify the class teacher and the secretary immediately via e-mail / text message.


Parent Teacher Association

The BEIS Parent Teacher Association or the PTA is an excellent way to get involved. The PTA is responsible for supporting the school through organising fun school events throughout the school year. The meetings are open to any BEIS parent or guardian who wishes to participate. The group also uses its influence to lobby on behalf of the school in its continuing effort to ensure the best for students. BEIS needs participation in this vital organisation. In the past, the PTA has been very successful in raising funds and organising school events to bring the school and the community together.


Parent Involvement 

Here at BEIS, we recognise that parent involvement is a crucial factor in the overall development of every child. Having parents volunteer in the classroom or in other areas of the school is encouraged in BEIS. You may volunteer as a parent reader, class representative, coach a sporting team, teach an elective, and many more. Please contact your child’s class teacher and find out how you can get involved.

Lost & Found Policy

Lost and Found is located in the administration office. Items labeled by name are more easily returned. Accumulated unclaimed items will be given to charity.

Dress Code Policy

Students are expected to dress in a manner appropriate for an educational setting. A school uniform will be given to all students. Fridays are dress down days, which allows students to come in their regular clothes, deeming them appropriate in a school setting.