Grade 4
Welcome to the Grade 4 page
Below you can find out a little more about school life and what we get up to in Grade 4
Homeroom teacher

Mr. Mark Reynolds
Grade 4 Teacher
Curriculum Overview
Language Arts
- Discuss a broad range of genres & texts
- Identify & discuss themes
- Draw inferences & make predictions
- Discuss authors’ use of language
- Retrieve & present information from non-fiction and fictional texts.
- Secure spelling, homophones, prefixes, suffixes
- Use a thesaurus
- Cursive handwriting
- Plan writing to suit audience
- Develop character, setting in a narrative
- Opinion based writing.
- Use consistent appropriate tense
- Proof-reading.
- Identify sentence subjects, nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions.
- Use expanded noun phrases.
- Use modal & passive verbs
- Use relative clauses.
- Use commas for clauses.
- Use brackets, dashes & commas for parenthesis.
Social Studies
Dynasties of China
- Experience what life was like under Chinas first Emperor
- Make connections with the Mongol invasion and the wests first experiences of China through Marco Polo
- Learn about 20th Century China and its last Dynasty
Medieval Europe
- Understand the role the Catholic Church had on European life
- Get a sense of what life was like under the feudal system
- Study important events such as the Magna Carta and the Plague
Medieval Islamic and African Empires
- Analyze How the Islamic faith came about and spread
- Look at the perceived threat from the West which led to the Crusades
Geographical Terms
- Understand the use of map symbols, keys, and map scales.
- Longitude and latitude.
- Use coordinates and degrees to find a specific location.
- Understand time zone maps depicting elevation and depression.
- Differences between three-dimensional globes and two dimensional maps.
World Mountains
- Locate and understand mountains and mountain ranges throughout the world, to include the Atlas, Ural, Andes, Appalachians, Rockies, Caucasus and Alps
Physical Education
Physical Skills
- Use running, jumping, catching and throwing in isolation and in combination.
- Play competitive games, applying basic principles
- Develop flexibility & control in the gym.
- Athletic running and exercise warm ups.
- Take part in Outdoor & Adventurous activities
- Compare performances to achieve personal bests.
- Play competitive games, modified as appropriate.
- Master basic movement, e.g. running, jumping, throwing, catching.
- Balance, agility and coordination.
- Participate in team games.
Drawing and Painting
- Increase one’s understanding of the basics of the drawing/painting and to produce successful work.
- Demonstrate skills and design to express and communicate meaning.
- Use sketchbooks to collect, record, review, revisit and evaluate ideas.
- Learn about great artists, architects and designers.
Arts and Crafts
- Create and utilizing materials invent new designs.
- Improve mastery of techniques such as drawing, painting and sculpture with varied materials.
Life Science
- Understand plant structures, their life-cycles and how they have adapted to the environment
- Be able to classify animals, their populations habits and niches
- Understand how food chains and food webs work
- See the importance of ecosystems for both plants and animals
Physical Science
- Look at the properties of matter and mass
- The different states of water
- Forms and sources of energy and Physical and Chemical changes
- Heat production.
- Conductors and insulators
- Solar power and electricity.
- Speed and motion.
Earth and Space Science
- Focus on the water cycle.
- The different types of weather and world weather patterns.
- Study the Sun, Earth, Moons phases and patterns.
- Learn about Planets and the solar system. Space exploration and Star constellations.
Numbers and Operations
- Extend understanding of fraction equivalence and ordering.
- Build fractions from unit fractions
- Understand decimal notation for fractions, compare decimal fractions.
Measurement & Data
- Solve problems involving measurement and conversion of measurements from a larger unit to a smaller unit
- Represent and interpret data.
- Draw and identify lines and angles, and classify shapes by properties of their lines and angles.
Operations & Algebraic Thinking
- Use the four operations with whole numbers to solve problems.
- Gain familiarity with factors and multiples.
- Generate and analyse patterns
- Generalize place value understanding for multi-digit whole numbers.
- Use place value and understanding and properties of operations for multi-digit arithmetic.
Touch Typing Course
- Learn the position of letter keys and common punctuation
- Type with all ten fingers
- Improve computing habits for better ergonomics
- Key, word and paragraph drills
Speed Building Course
- Learn proper finger position in the keyboard
- Increase typing speed and confidence
- Learn to type faster with high accuracy in pressing correct keys
Numbers, Special Marks and 10-Key Pad Course
- Type numbers on the number row
- Extend skills to cover internet characters, mathematical symbols and brackets
The Country Philippines
- Locate the different Islands using the Philippine map.
- Identify the names of the big Islands
- Explain the way of life of the people.
- Compare early life from the past to the present.
- Learn about the Philippine Heroes.
- Read different legendary stories from the Philippines.
- Know the cultural and economic life of early Filipinos.