Welcome to the Nursery page
Below you can find out a little more about school life and what we get up to in Nursery
Homeroom Teacher

Ms. Grace Camon
Nursery Teacher
Curriculum Overview
Physical Well-being, Health and Motor Development
Children are expected to demonstrate increasing awareness and competence in the areas that follow.
- Balancing (walking along a line, stepping up and down, walking on toes and heels)
- Jumping and Hopping (on spot, jump forward, sideways, back and forth, hop on spot)
- Ball Skills/Eye Hand Coordination (catch a ball, throw a ball, kick a ball, hit a ball)
- Galloping and skipping
- Dancing and actions to music
Social and Emotional Development
Children are expected to demonstrate increasing awareness and competence in the areas that follow.
- Identify your own physical characteristics and compare them with those of others.
- Notice and identify features of their own home and other familiar homes.
- Understand their own role in the family and the roles of his or her other family members
- Identify some common jobs.
- Develop awareness of their neighborhood.
Approaches to Learning
Children are expected to demonstrate increasing awareness and competence in the areas that follow.
- Engagement (play as a means of exploring and learning, pretend and imaginative play, self-selects play activity)
- Creativity and Imagination (approaches tasks, activities and, problems with creativity, imagination and,/or willingness to try new experiences and activities)
- Curiosity and Initiative (exhibits curiosity, interest, and willingness in learning new things and having new experiences)
- Persistence (focus on tasks, modifies strategies used to complete a task)
Cognition and General Knowledge
Children are expected to demonstrate increasing awareness and competence in the areas that follow
- Mathematics (repeat numbers in order, describe length, height, weight and, speed, identify and label shapes, sorts and classifies objects, simple pattern)
- Science (identify some plants and animals, names animal body parts, weather)
- Geography ( near/far, on/under, inside/outside, recognize own house and familiar buildings)
- Problem Solving (explores various ways to solve a problem and selects options)
- Identify pictures of familiar objects correctly
- Manipulate objects, ask questions and make predictions
Langauge, Communicaiton and Literacy
Children are expected to demonstrate increasing awareness and competence in the areas that follow.
- Follows one-and two-step directions
- Recognize signs and symbols in the environment
- Understand and use writing formats
- Engage in fine motor activities such as cutting and stringing beads
- Understand that letters are used to make words
- Recognize first name in print
- Name at least 5 to 10 letters
- Memorize simple text, retells simple stories
- Begin to write letters of name
- Color simple drawing, staying within the lines
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