Grade 2

Welcome to the Grade 2 page

Below you can find out a little more about school life and what we get up to in Grade 2

Our Teachers

Ms. Anamie Bansuli

Grade 2 Teacher


Ms. Anamie Bansuli
Click Here

Ms. Crezel Oquendo

Teacher's Assistant


Ms. Crezel Oquendo
Click Here
School Calendar
Online Schedules

Curriculum Overview

Language Arts

Reading, Writing, Listening, Spelling and using words with:

  • Use short and long vowel sounds
  • Understand Consonant Blends
  • Understand High Frequency Words and level appropriate words
  • Read orally individually and in a group

Writing (Composition)

  • Write a Friendly letter
  • Write a short story from personal experience
  • Write a composition using Visual prompts in a particular sequence
  • Write a composition and create their own ending.
  • Edit and revise their work following correct punctuation, grammar rules and with appropriate content.


  • Write in print with appropriate strokes using the tripod grip
  • Begin writing in cursive legibly
  • Start note taking


  • Differentiate between phrase and sentence
  • Rearrange words to create sentences
  • Identify the subject and predicate of a sentence
  • Identify and compare the different types of sentences and use appropriate punctuation marks
  • Identify and use nouns with correct capitalization and correct form (singular or plural, common or proper)
  • Change nouns to possessive nouns
  • Use action words in a sentence in the simple tenses
  • Use and identify the different verbs (linking verbs, helping  verbs and irregular verbs)
  • Identify and use pronouns, adjectives and adverbs in sentences

Reading and Comprehension

  • Identify and understand the elements and events of a story
  • Read aloud and answer comprehension questions on level appropriate texts
Social Studies
  • Know about Early Greek Civilization (History, Significant people/leaders, religions, way of life and contributions to present society
  • Make connections with the development of Math and Sciences from the Early Greek Civilization
  • Identify the different Greek gods and goddesses
  • Identify Landforms and Water forms and its effect on the people living in those areas in terms of ways of living
  • Use Maps, Legends and Directions
  • Know about oneself, ones needs and ones rights
  • Identify My role in my community
  • Understand different communities and how they thrive


Physical Education
  • Able to show differentiation between jogging and sprinting
  • Differentiate twisting, curling, bending and stretching actions
  • Throw underhand using a mature pattern
  • Dribble within a space with preferred hand demonstrating a mature pattern
  • Tap or dribble a ball using the inside of the foot while walking in general space
  • Volley an object upward with consecutive hits
  • Engage actively in physical education class in response to instruction and practice
  • Practice skills with minimal teacher prompting
  • Work well independently and with others in partner activities.
  • Develop fine motor skills
  • Coloring, Tracing, Drawing
  • Cutting and Pasting
  • Paper Folding
  • Following Multiple Instructions
  • Create Projects through Recycling
  • Make paper crafts
  • Focus on working independently
  • Encourage Creativity through process -art activities




Life Science

  • Know what Science is and about scientists
  • Know How the scientific method and tools are used by scientists
  • Explain how technology and design process work
  • Identify and understand the different animals (needs, classification, life cycles)
  • Know about paleontologists, fossils

Earth and Space Science

  • Know about the Earth and its resources
  • Identify weather (patterns, effects and severe weather preparation)
  • Basic understanding of the solar system
  • Know what the heavenly bodies are
  • Describe how day and night occurs

Physical Science

  • Understandmatter
  • Differentiate the states of matter
  • Identify and differentiate the different changes in matter
  • Value energy
  • Understand how magnets work

Numbers, Operations & Algebraic Thinking

  • Understand Number Concepts
  • Master the Concept of Place Value
  • Write Numbers and Number Patterns
  • Compare and sequence Numbers from 1-1000
  • Use models to represent numbers and equations
  • Understand different ways of Addition and Subtraction
  • Be able to add and subtract with regrouping up to 3 digit numbers
  • Tell the Time
  • Identify and use Money
  • Use multi-step problems involving time, money and graphs
  • Perform mental sums

Measure, Data & Geometry

  • Can identify Shapes and their attributes
  • Understand Fractions
  • Gather Measurements
  • Use Graphs and Data

Web Browsing

  • Use ICT to organise and classify information and to present their findings
  • Save information in desktop folder and flash drive
  • Search texts, images, audio and video files

Introduction to Microsoft Word

  • Create and save documents
  • Format text and paragraphs
  • Set up page size, margin, number of columns and orientation
  • Cut, Copy, Paste and Move Text
  • Format with styles and templates
  • Work with spell check and thesaurus