Nursery January Update
Our nursery class spent January learning to make simple AB color patterns through cube trains and artwork. We also learned to cut shapes into halves and quarters by using paper plates and colorful paper cut outs. We continued learning about letters through art activities, phonics songs, and sound mimicking games. The children formed letters through […]
Nursery October Update
For the month of October, our nursery class learned about feelings and family members. The children learned to interpret the feelings of their friends through observing their facial expressions. We also discussed about the members of our families in class. We practiced counting and identifying numbers 1- 5 this month too. The kids practiced by playing […]
Nursery September Update
We kick started our school year by practicing our school rules and now we are adjusting our behaviour in class and we’re getting used to our school routines. We try to improve our fine motor skills by doing some hand painting, colouring and paper tearing exercises. We are also learning to be confident by having […]